Animation for Mental Health
Helping you become the person you always should have been.
A well-being resource for everyone
Quint & James formed Cool Relationships in 2020, during an upswing in mental health problems in the pandemic. Cool Relationships uses short, engaging animations to help explain common conditions, such as anxiety and depression, anger, trauma, and addiction.
Cool Relationships is free well-being resource for everyone – ‘as you become the person you always should have been.’
We are born in a relationship with our mothers, parents and care-givers. Our individuality only emerges in our relationships with family, friends, and wider society – and ultimately to all humanity, and the planet which sustains us.
We can all aspire to cool relationships at every level.
Quint Boa
Quint is Director of Shoot You Ltd, an award-winning production company based in London, New York and Amsterdam.
Quint graduated with an M.A. in Psychotherapy and Counselling from Regents College (City University), and became a UKCP qualified therapist (now retired) with a private practice, specialising in the mind/body relationship and its relationship to addiction.
James Earl
James is a psychotherapist and relationship counsellor in private practice in SW London, with a Masters Degree from the University of Sussex and a Post-Graduate Diploma from Relate. He taught philosophy for many years at Richmond, The American International University.
James’s professional interests include the loss of desire in long-term relationships, re-thinking common mental health-issues, and the cross-over between philosophy and psychotherapy. James is married with children, and also a jazz pianist.