Cool Relationships ‘Understanding’ series
The Cool Relationships ‘Understanding’ series is a set of mental health animations, produced by Quint Boa and James Earl, as a response to the mental health crisis during the pandemic.
They are made available for viewing by individuals for free. Psychotherapists and counsellors may also find them useful to use them in their work with their clients, and may show them without charge. They may be downloaded, as well as streamed here.
Please do not amend them or remove the ‘Cool Relationships’ copyright end-screens.
Companies who wish to use them in the HR or Wellbeing Departments should first ask for permission, which will generally be granted. If you would like them branded, or would like to commission bespoke animation, please contact Quint via
Understanding Anger
This animation examines the complexity of why we feel and express anger and attempts to explore it’s roots. It offers an alternative approach to thinking about our experience of anger and ways to address it.
Understanding Anxiety
If you’re feeling anxious, and on top of that, feeling anxious about feeling anxious then this animation is for you. While our relationship to anxiety can often feel overwhelming, an understanding of it is the first step to regaining control.
Understanding Drug addiction
Recovery from drug addiction can begin through an understanding of why we start using, and how drug use develops within the most intimate aspects of our life. This animation was made to address the complex topic of drug addiction in an engaging and quantifiable way.
Understanding Childhood Anxiety
Research has shown the roots of anxiety often begin in childhood. This animation attempts to frame issues such as inconsistent parenting and watchfulness during childhood and its relationship to anxiety in adulthood.
Understanding Alcohol
Alcohol addiction is both pernicious and progressive. Its highly damaging for the addict and the family and friends who try to help. This animation provides an overview of alcohol addiction from a personal and social context.
Understanding Depression
Around one in five (21%) adults aged 16 years and over in Great Britain experienced some form of depression an increase from 19% in November 2021. This animation attempts to focus upon the psychological origins of depression in the hope that a better understanding may hopefully support those affected.
Domestic Violence: A Year on From Lockdown
Domestic Violence is more common in a woman’s lifetime than diabetes or depression. This reality has only been exacerbated by lockdown and recent legislative changes. This animation was produced to highlight the mental effects of living with an abuser, and how to get support.
Understanding Trauma
“We cannot get closure from trauma, but we can get better at living with it.” This animation explores the dynamics of trauma. It offers advice and support in how to address it and, with time, manage its malign effects.
Understanding Our Nature
If ‘your health is your wealth’ then surely it’s vital to take time to explore our relationship to our bodies. Research increasingly shows how this relationship can affect our mental health. This animation explores why this vital relationship is often overlooked and how this may be addressed.
A brief account of Cool Relationships can be found here, along with individual bios of Quint and James.
We believe animation has a unique power to engage an audience and to explain complex issue in an accessible and creative way.
If you have a question about the mental-wellbeing content , please contact James via
If you have a question about the animation styles or techniques, contact
Contact James Earl
If you would like to arrange an individual or couple session for yourself, please contact psychotherapist and couple counsellor James via